“The Dream of Governor Campos” is a biographical documentary on the life of Ernesto Manuel Campos. This person, who was named Governor and National Deputy three times, deeply loved Tierra del Fuego and dedicated a large part of his life to developing plans for the people of Tierra del Fuego, which at the time seemed impossible, thus awakening the love and admiration of the entire region.
The Malvinas Islands and their integration (both of the territory and of its people) with the rest of the country was one the tasks in which our protagonist put in all his efforts.
Watch the fragment on Malvinas in the film of Governor Campos.
Campos considered it essential that, in order to regain sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, ties with the inhabitants should be strengthened: between 1971 and 1972, he established a constant exchange with the inhabitants of the Malvinas islands, expedited the transfer of patients to the mainland and helped the students of the island who wanted to continue their studies in Buenos Aires.
His idea was that the islanders depend on the continent, on what the legitimate government could provide: tracks, school, hospitals, fuel; to make the sovereignty effective.
He developed the Antares Project, which consisted in the construction of a fuel storage plant in Puerto Argentina for YPF. Through this agreement, Argentina built the airport and started the postal service between the Islands and the rest of the world.
Ernesto Manuel Campos definitely had an idea and worked with the objective of developing it: to make the life of the islanders easier and starting from there, achieve the reaffirmation of national sovereignty.
Carrying photographs provided by Mechita (Campos’ eldest daughter), in which one observes several groups of children of the early seventies, the creators of the documentary landed on the Islands with the hope of finding one of the people photographed, and that he or she could recall all that he or she remembered of this Argentine whom they called Captain, who brought them fruit and candy, and had fun chatting with the young islanders. The result was totally unexpected and is, without doubt, one of the most exciting moments of the film.
The film was directed by Manuel Fernández Arroyo, a young filmmaker who in recent years directed the documentaries “The Destiny of Elena” (2019), “Tierra del Fuego Heritage: Rescue on Donata Beach” (2017) and “Finibusterre: Latitud 55º South ”(2016). The script was written by the writer Fede Rodríguez, author of “The Origin of the Wind” and editor of Revista Caleuche. And as a treasure concerning sound, the film is narrated with the voice of the writer, historian and radio man of vast trajectory, Mingo Gutiérrez. “The Dream of Governor Campos” was presented in the cinemas of Río Grande, Ushuaia, Tolhuin, and other cities; it was broadcasted on several occasions on National Public TV; it was declared of cultural interest by the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, and on behalf of the provincial culture department, was screened at the 45th International Book Fair of Buenos Aires in 2019.
TECHNICAL SHEET of “The Dreams of Governor Campos”
- Script: Fede Rodríguez
- Edition and colour: Kike Colombo
- Original Music: Sebastián Bradley
- Production: María Victoria Coletto
- Camera, sound and editing: Emanuel Langlais
- 2nd Camera: Abel Sberna
- Aerial images: Ignacio Robayna
- Music recording: Maximiliano Martínez
- Narrator: Mingo Gutiérrez
- Production in Malvinas: Facundo Suárez
- Logistics: Chacho Barría and Sacha Dobronic
- Director: Manuel Fernández Arroyo
Translated from original Spanish into English by Maia Kano Worsnop
EL ROMPEHIELOS is a website with contents in spanish. This publication, as will be the case with further ones, was translated to english to extend it´s reach to english-speaking people.